We are continuing our work supporting parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), across the Jewish community and those who support them. We are building on our existing community networks supporting parents, carers and siblings of children and young people with SEND to develop new services and training. We are also continuing to engage with schools, teachers and SENDCOs to support their SEND pupils.

Maximising Children’s Potential

JSENSE believes passionately that every child and young person with special educational needs (SEND) deserves the best possible specialised help to maximise their individual achievements and to acquire the necessary life skills which other young people learn naturally. 

We have two main parts to our work:

Our Work with Parents

Our work with parents, carers and siblings is to provide resources, communities and experiences that enhance the life of parents and carers of Jewish children and young people with SEND.

Schools in Greater Manchester

JSENSE works closely with schools in Greater Manchester, in particular in Salford, Bury and Manchester, offering training, support and consultancy services.

Tailored Support

JSENSE has developed a valued portfolio of well-designed, quality services and training resources to enable individually tailored support for our client groups, delivered by experienced staff.

Our Projects

Our projects are developed following consultation with our service users i.e. parents, carers, siblings and educators.

Our work at JSENSE has been generously supported by the Delamere Charitable Trust.

We are very grateful for this support.